Coming Soon! Pro Tools Ara and Synchro Arts

The buzz around NAMM 2024 just got louder with the announcement that RePitch will officially be ARA-compatible with an upcoming version of Pro Tools! The Avid team are demonstrating at NAMM (Booth #15102, ACC North Hall) a tech preview of how RePitch works in the future version of Pro Tools.

What does this mean for me?

If you’re entrenched in the world of Pro Tools, prepare for a significant boost in your workflow efficiency. Gone are the days of capturing audio in 'real-time'. With this update, your audio is instantly integrated into RePitch, saving an invaluable amount of time, especially when dealing with extensive vocal tracks.

But wait, there's more! The magic of this integration lies in the seamless processing. Any changes you make in RePitch will be automatically mirrored in your DAW. This means you can say goodbye to the tedious process of bouncing audio back and forth and 'committing' your edits.

Protools ARA

When VocAlign and Revoice Pro follow suit, Pro Tools ARA compatibility has three key workflow benefits:

  1. Instantly capture vocals – a big time-saver as opposed to capturing it in real-time
  2. Capture more than one vocal track at a time – an even bigger time-saver where you can capture all of your lead and backing vocals in just a couple of mouse clicks
  3. Processing is automatically reflected in situ – no need to bounce audio back into your DAW and print the processing

ARA (Audio Random Access) is not just a technical term; it's a game-changer. If you're still wrapping your head around what ARA can do for your audio editing and production, we've got you covered. Dive into our detailed blog here to explore the vast potentials of ARA in enhancing your audio production experience.

When will this be available?

The anticipation is palpable! Avid Pro Tools is set to release the version in question this year, marking a major update for all Pro Tools users. To stay ahead of the curve, make sure you follow both Avid and our channels for the latest updates and release dates.

As we eagerly await this revolutionary update, let's prepare to embrace a more efficient, time-saving workflow in Pro Tools. The integration of RePitch with ARA compatibility is not just an upgrade; it's a new era for digital audio workstations and audio processing efficiency.

Stay tuned...

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At Synchro Arts, we create tools and technology to help craft great vocal performances. Our products enable music producers, engineers and audio post professionals perform complex editing tasks both quickly and intuitively with a few clicks of a mouse, saving countless hours of studio time.

Our first product VocAlign was released in 1995 and is now the world’s number one audio alignment plugin. Then came Revoice Pro, our complete vocal toolbox which we launched in 2012 to widespread critical acclaim.


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Synchro Arts Limited
100 Liverpool Street, 6th Floor, London, EC2M 2AT United Kingdom