RePitch Elements 1.3 User Guide Publication

Quick Start Guide for Pro Tools AXX Plug-in



In this Quick Start Guide, you will learn how to set up Pro Tools and RePitch to transfer audio into RePitch, process that audio, and have the processed output returned to Pro Tools.

We won’t go into details on the control panels or displays here, as those are described in the 'Using RePitch' sections of the main User Guide shown on the left. However, we will refer to relevant topics in that section when appropriate.


  • RePitch is installed as an AAX NATIVE Plug-in and requires Real-Time Capture
  • This plug-in is designed to work with Pro Tools 11.3 and later. It will not work with Pro Tool 10.
  • Pro Tools does not yet support ARA for our products.

Videos on RePitch

Before we let you do the work, click the image below to watch a Video that gives you the basic steps you are going to learn.


NOTE: THE FOLLOWING VIDEO IS MADE WITH REPITCH 1.1.8 but most operations are similar.

To see "What's New in Version 1.2" click here.


Installation and Initial Setup 

  • You should have already downloaded, installed and authorised the RePitch plug-in on your computer. 
    See Installation and Authorization if you haven't.
  • Note that RePitch is an AAX NATIVE plugin, so it appears in channel inserts.

Loading Audio into RePitch

Here, we’ll describe the RePitch workflow steps of selecting a Macro, capturing audio from Pro Tools, processing the audio and playing the processed audio in Pro Tools.

  1. In Pro Tools, RePitch is an AAX plug-in found in the Inserts menu, shown empty below.

  2. Click in the first Insert slot and a menu similar to that below will appear.
    Select plug-in / Pitch Shift / RePitch Elements (mono or stereo can appear).

  1. RePitch should open and look similar to the picture below in (5) but when you first open RePitch, the Macro selector will look like this:

    You should read about Using and Selecting Macros (as described here), but for now you can keep going and simply select a Macro.

    In order to see how the automatic tuning works, we suggest you start with this Macro: 
    "Normal Pitch Range - Snap Notes to Selected Scale" 

  2. You can make the RePitch window larger or smaller by dragging the bottom right hand corner.

  3. Position the Pro Tools Playhead to the start of the audio you want to capture - or select a Loop range in Pro Tools as shown below.

  4. Click the RePitch Capture button and it will change to "Stop". It is waiting for audio to be played. 

  5. Start the Pro Tools playback and you should see your audio waveform being redrawn as it is captured. 

  6. Stop the Pro Tools playback and the screen should something like like the one below.  

If it doesn't look like above:

  • If you don't see note blocks, you might have to drag the Vertical "thumb" on the right up or down to sit over the vertical white line showing where the pitch is.
  • If you see an EMPTY Main Window, you might need to move the Overview Window slider to be OVER the Overview Waveform.
  • If you don't see note names, you might have to zoom in vertically.

Playing Audio in RePitch

Double click within the CAPTURED AUDIO RANGE to start playback in RePitch. The track needs to be NOT muted.

Double click to Stop playback at the position of the mouse cursor, or press the Space Bar.  

Pressing the space bar tells Pro Tools to stop playback and the cursor will be positioned by Pro Tools (and its play settings) after stopping.

Start Using RePitch

You should now have a look at the information on how RePitch is set up and how to best use it.

This information continues from here:    User Interface and Operation

Settings Menu

In Pro Tools, using only Real-time Capture, there are fewer options for RePitch in the Settings Menu, shown below.

 Click Here for an explanation of the four Display Options in the menu.

Storage of your RePitch audio        ["RePitch will save its audio to:"]

When you use RePitch it creates new audio files containing the processed audio that are used to replace the original Input audio.

The RePitch plug-in puts the audio into its own local directory on your hard disk, and it has connections to it so it knows where it is.   

These local directories are:   

macOS:                                               /Users/CurrentUser/Music/RePitchAAX/...

Windows 10 and above:                 DriveLetter:\Users\CurrentUser\Documents\RePitchAAX\.. 

  • After you use this processed audio, technically there is no need to save the aligned audio to a cache, because RePitch can always regenerate its aligned audio output.
  • Nonetheless, regenerating the aligned audio takes time and this means that the audio may not be ready for replay when you reopen a project.
  • Saving the aligned audio data allows instant replay on reopening a session.

Detailed Processing Operations

For a comprehensive tour of how to use RePitch, including the main tools for modifying and editing the audio please now go to:

Macros and Capturing Audio 
and the chapters that follow it.

Remember that RePitch AAX is a Realtime plug-in (and NOT an ARA plugin) when you review the information.

But, because RePitch is a AAX plug-in, anything you do in RePitch to alter the audio will be immediately available in the Pro Tools.

Bypassing the Processed Audio in RePitch

To Bypass the RePitch Playback, you currently must use the Pro Tools playback (with space bar) and toggle the RePitch Bypass switch 

In the current version of RePitch, the RePitch BYPASS switch does not bypass the processed audio
if you use Double Click to start playback

Capturing Multiple Tracks at the Same Time

This could save you time with long tracks.

You can put RePitch on multiple tracks in one easy step and then, enable Capture on each one, and load the tracks simultaneously.

Here's how:

1. Select all the Tracks you want to insert RePitch on. It should look like this:

2. In Pro Tools, hold down SHIFT and OPTION (ALT) keys and then bring up the RePitch plug-in on the first selected track.

3. When you let go, it will Insert RePitch on the selected tracks and create the same number of RePitch windows, with the name of the Track in the upper left corner of the RePitch plug-in AAX interface.

4. Next, arm (click) the Capture button in each tracks' RePitch plug-in you want to capture audio from simultaneously.
    You can select some of them for a capture and others for separate other captures.

5. Next position your Pro Tools playhead where you want to start Capture, start Pro Tools playback and stop the capture when done.

6. You have now loaded all the RePitch plug-ins you armed, at the same time.

And finally…

There's always more to learn, so head to the sections of the full User Guide at the left in the Using RePitch folder, for much more information on RePitch's controls, displays and operations.